Saturday, August 23, 2014

No More Water in the Tub!
by: Tedd Arnold

Why we liked this book: I think one of the greatest places to use your imagination as a kid is in the bathtub.  My son has pretended to be a deep sea diver, shark, fish, etc while my daughter has pretended to be a mermaid, underwater explorer, etc.  This book shares this little boys wild imagination in the tub as well.  Another great Tedd Arnold book.

Activity: I thought it would be fun for the kids to do an activity where else, but in the tub.  I bought those glow in the dark bracelets you can buy at the dollar store or walmart, turned the lights out in the bathroom and tossed them in the tub.  Each kid got a turn in their own glow in the dark bath tub.  This is something we also do around Halloween.  The kids love it!  They stay in there forever!

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