Saturday, August 23, 2014

Green Wilma
by: Tedd Arnold

Why we liked this book:  We have enjoyed reading a few Tedd Arnold books.  This one plays with your imagination a little bit!  Is Wilma really a frog or a little girl dreaming? My kids are still trying to figure it out!  Lol!
Activity:  What else do you think of when you think about frogs, but slime!!!  We thought it would be fun to make some green slime.
If you want it to look more "slimy" I suggest using the clear glue rather than the white.  Also, while you are mixing, if it seems too watery just add more glue and knead in the bowl with your hands.  My kids seriously had a blast with this!  We put the slime in a container when we were done and they have asked to play with it every day for a week!

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