Saturday, May 31, 2014

Miss Nelson is Missing!
by Harry Allard and James Marshall
Why we liked this book:  This book is about an unruly class that drives their nice teacher, Miss Nelson,to drastic measures.  She disappears one day and in her place comes Miss Viola Swamp.  The kids are so frightened of her and realize how good they had it with Miss Nelson.  They set out to search for her, and one day she finally returns to her class.  They are so happy to see her!  (Truth is, Miss Viola Swamp was Miss Nelson in disguise all along!)
 Activity:  I thought it would be fun for the kids to disguise themselves and change their names.  So they dressed up added some face paint and my daughter became Miss Vampire Bat and my son became Mr. Doom.  We had so much fun and had some good laughs!  Make sure you take a before and after picture!

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