Thursday, May 1, 2014

May 2014 Books

Miss Bindergarten Gets Ready for Kindergarten
by: Joseph Slate
Why we liked this book: My daughter liked all the fun rhymes and names for all the animal "children" getting ready for kindergarten.  Fun way to practice the alphabet!
Activity:  I had my kids pick 3 activities to do that reminded them of kindergarten and then we had a kindergarten day at home.  My daughter picked finger painting, my son of course picked recess and then they both thought a snack would be a good idea.  So, that's what we did!

Have you ever tried making your own finger paints?  It is really easy and the kids had fun choosing their own colors!  Plus I used some containers with lids to save the extra paint for another rainy day.  Here is the site where I found the recipe.

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