Sunday, June 22, 2014

June Part 2 Books 2014

The True Story of the 3 Little Pigs!
by: Jon Scieszka 
Why we liked this book:  I remember reading this book in elementary school and thinking it was so funny to hear the big bad wolf's side of things.  I have always believed and still believe there are always two sides to a story and this book does just that!
Activity: We built a house of straw, sticks and bricks.  Luckily we also had a toy pig and a stuffed big bad wolf.  We placed the pig in each house and then turned the fan on full blast to pretend it was the big bad wolf blowing the houses down.  My kids LOVED this part!!!  The house of straw and sticks blew away but our house of bricks didn't even budge!  they thought it was awesome!  If you don't have a fun you could also use a hair dryer! 
House of Straw (we used straws, imagination, and lots of tape!)
House of Sticks (we used giant popsicle sticks, glue and again lots of tape!  we built 4 walls and used 7 sticks verticle and two sticks horizontal on the back.  we glued them at first so it kind of looked like this # symbol but then we used tape to reinforce it.  remember these aren't supposed to be grand crafts that take hours to make, just something to fill your afternoon for an hour or so! make sure to ahve your kids decorate each wall before you tape/glue the 4 walls together to form a box)
House of Bricks (legos and imagination!!!)
***Remember these are IDEAS!  You can totally make these projects your own!

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