Harry the Dirty Dog
by: Gene Zion

Why we liked this book: A fun, cute book about a dog that does not want a bath. He decides to run away and get dirty instead. When he comes back home his family no longer recognizes him!
Activity: I thought this would be a fun book to teach the kids about opposites. Clean vs dirty. Black vs white. Etc. So, we did an opposite scavenger hunt. The kids had to each go grab three objects and then we talked about all the opposites that could be found in that object. For example: My son brought a harmonica. He played a LOW note vs HIGH note. LOUD vs SOFT. My daughter brought a glow worm. We talked about how you use it at NIGHT vs DAY in the DARK vs NIGHT. They thought it was really fun to talk about opposites and came up with a lot of them on their own.
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